How To Setup A Global Header Or Footer For Your Template

Global modules are composed of either a group of content modules or a single content module that makes up an essential element of your website pages. This is content that you want to create once and then add across various locations on your site. When edited, changes to a global module or group will be updated across every site page that uses the global content in its template.   

When you purchase a template off the HubSpot Marketplace, your new template's header and footer will not be set up as global groups. Follow the instructions below to learn how to set these up.

  1. In the Design Manager, navigate to the template you would like to modify

  2. In the top right corner, click on the Group buttonScreen_Shot_2015-02-20_at_11.27.58_AM

  3. Select the items you want to include in your Global NavScreen_Shot_2015-02-20_at_11.42.47_AM

  4. Click Create GroupScreen_Shot_2015-02-20_at_11.45.56_AM

  5. Click on the Gear icon on the Module Group you just createdScreen_Shot_2015-02-20_at_11.48.23_AM

  6. Select the “Make Group Global” optionScreen_Shot_2015-02-20_at_11.47.22_AM

  7. Click Make Group Global

  8. Name your new group, select where you want it saved, and click SaveScreen_Shot_2015-02-20_at_11.51.20_AM

  9. You have successfully created a Global Header for your template!Screen_Shot_2015-02-20_at_11.54.16_AM

*Repeat these steps to setup your Global Footer

Check out HubSpot's Guide for more information on Global Modules.


Topics: How to


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