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How Can I Get Started With My New Template?

Getting started with Baseline is easy, but if you are new to the HubSpot COS you may need a little assistance. To help you out, we offer a library of tutorial videos, a COS eBook, and a COS Blog that can help to answer a lot of the basic questions. If you still need help, let us know! We have a full service development team to offer help and support as needed.

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Use The Color Picker To Change This Template's Colors & Styles

Our new color picker feature makes it easier than ever to change your new site's styles to match your brand's look and feel! The Baseline Template Pack was built for ease of customization on the, making it simple to update styles and colors. If you need help getting set up, we have a full service development team available to offer help and support as needed.

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Still Need Help? Talk To A Team Member!

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