Brand Builder Solutions Inbound Marketing Blog

Most Frequently Asked Questions about HubSpot Templates Downloaded from the Marketplace

Written by Joe Jerome | 2/8/17 9:17 PM

Have you been told how easy it is to use HubSpot templates?  Did you agree?  Who told you?  Did they ask what "easy" meant to you?

HubSpot templates are easy to use.  But "easy" is in the eye of the beholder.

Our team has been grateful to everyone who's used one of our templates (even if it was just a free one)!

Have you ever heard of helping "one on one" at scale?  If you understand Inbound Marketing you're already doing it for your buyers by putting out helpful content.

We are doing the same thing.  Check this out.  It's our new HubSpot COS Help Wiki (built with Tettra).  I've got a preview link towards the end.


We are building a massive knowledge base for you.  A documentation library for everything related to HubSpot templates and HubSpot websites.

Everytime we are asked a question we are answering it in our documentation library.  That's awesome because when you ask for help you're helping a bunch of other people.


"How do I customize a HubSpot Template?"

Let me give you an example.  There's one question we get asked more than any other.  "How do I customize a HubSpot Template?".  Our HubSpot Website Wiki has answers to this based on other users questions.

Since this question is so common we took it step further. We made a complete resource center for anyone customizing a website.  If you are launching a HubSpot website refresh this year it might make more sense to go here now before reading any further.

Our goal is to answer the top 100 questions you have about HubSpot Websites and Templates.


Top Questions People Have About HubSpot Marketplace Templates

Here's a few examples of the top questions we've heard.  Do any sound familiar?

Here are some we hear before someone buys one.

  • Do I need to have coding experience to use a template pack?
  • How much HubSpot experience do I need to be successful using a template pack?

Here are a few that are common after you've downloaded a template from the HubSpot Template Marketplace.

  • Where do I find my templates once they've been purchased?
  • Why do I need to clone my templates to use them?
  • What is the difference between a template and a site page?


Ask Your Own Questions about Using Templates on the HubSpot Website Platform

There are a few more questions in our preview of the wiki.  But before you check it out would it be ok if I asked you to contribute?  All you need to do is ask a question in the comments below.  We will publish the answer and send you the link.

Also, I've got some big news.  We will be having a webinar series as well to answer questions and offering advice for designing for inbound performance with HubSpot templates.  There's more information here.

If you want to ask a question and add to the wiki just comment below (make sure you use a real email address if you want to hear the answer).

Here's the preview to the new HubSpot COS wiki.


Remember, if your top question is "How can I customize my template and what are the options" then go here.