Brand Builder Solutions Inbound Marketing Blog

10 Simple Tips to Optimize Your Search Results and Boost Your Rank [Part 2 of 2]

Written by Courtney | 11/8/13 2:24 PM

If you haven't yet, be sure to check out Part 1 of this blog post for even more SEO tips and tricks!

SEO is important to every business when it comes to gaining new customers, driving meaningful traffic, and ultimately, converting leads to repeat clients. Of course, the biggest question when it comes to SEO is: how can I improve my rankings? There are literally millions of sites out there on the world wide web, and you need to put the effort into your search ranking in order to be found. It doesn't matter how beautiful your site is, or how great your services are, or how incredible your products are, if no one is seeing them!

Here are 5 more simple tips and tricks for increasing your search rank:

  1. Create a sitemap: It is a page listing that links to all the other major pages on your site. XML Sitemap is a structured format that a user doesn't need to see, but it tells the search engine about the pages in your site, their relative importance to each other, and how often they are updated. It makes it easier for crawlers or users to search your site.

  2. Inbound links: a hyperlink that links from an external website, back to your own website. These links are important in determining the popularity (or importance) of your website. Traffic to your site is by developing relationships with other respected sites. Building relationships with other reputable sites online is important! Offer to link to their page if they link to yours, and don't forget to give credit whenever you mention a site. Building strong relationships on the web can only help your SEO rankings.

  3. Improve the structure of URLs: keep them relevant, compelling, and accurate by using clear keywords that make the website more search-engine-friendly. An organized site is a successful site!

  4. Optimize your use of images: browsers like visuals! Add captions to all your pictures and be descriptive with the text; use KEYWORDS! The visible text around your images is valuable for SEO.

    * Start with your image names: adding an "ALT" tag allows you to include a keyword-rich description for every image on your site. 

  5. Offer quality content: Your content needs to be fresh and updated regularly. It needs to be:

    • Useful

    • Relevant

    • Accurate

SEO consumes an average of 9% of marketers’ overall time, and its leads convert to sales at an industry leading 15% -- 50% better than trade shows, the leading traditional marketing channel. (

We hope that you'll take these tips and tricks to heart as your continue to optimize your inbound marketing approaches and increase your search rankings!